Thank You Tow Industry

Perhaps the 4th of July has me feeling a little nostalgic…and a lot thankful.  In 2004, I was one month into my first ever lawyer job.  The firm I worked at represented nothing but huge insurance companies.  There was no client contact.  As such, I didn’t feel like I was helping anyone, which was the reason I told myself I wanted to be lawyer.

By |2017-06-25T22:12:59-05:00June 29th, 2017|Other Legal Issues|0 Comments

Move Over Laws: All Bark and No Bite?

In May, 2017, another tow truck driver was killed in the line of duty in Killeen, Texas.  Every time a tow truck driver is struck, well intentioned tow truck drivers hit the streets promoting Move Over Laws and urge the public to Slow Down and Move Over.

By |2017-06-23T07:29:13-05:00June 23rd, 2017|Roadside Accidents/Move-Over Laws|0 Comments

Update on the ELD Mandate

The United States Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal from the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) regarding the ELD Mandate.  Though there are additional efforts underway to further challenge the Mandate, according to several news sources, these efforts are likely to fail.  Thus, tow truck companies would be wise to understand the ELD Mandate and consider compliance options.

By |2017-06-19T13:46:00-05:00June 16th, 2017|Other Legal Issues|0 Comments

AutoReturn: Coming Soon to a Town Near You?

In the last several years, AutoReturn has become a serious player in municipal towing. If you have not heard of them, you probably will soon as AutoReturn now operates in several major cities, including Kansas City, Missouri. AutoReturn markets itself as the solution to the municipal tow industry’s problems of long tow wait times, vehicle damage, property loss, low levels of reporting and accountability, conflicts of interest, and plenty of unhappy customers. AutoReturn purportedly cures these issues by implementing increased oversight to each city it serves, which reduces response times and increases city and customer satisfaction.

By |2017-06-05T14:18:15-05:00June 2nd, 2017|Other Legal Issues|2 Comments

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